After wedding photo shoot | White Majorca Wedding Photography - Part 3

Afterwedding shoot in Majorca

On her wedding in Wettswil in Switzerland it was raining and both Jens and Nicole needed some nice outdoor shots. Therefore Jens secretly prepared a short trip to Mallorca, whilst nicole was wondering what was in the third case. It was her wedding dress for our after wedding shoot.

We began in the  the charming village  of LLubí, inspired by the lovely country road heading north and the town of Alcudia became the setting for a romantic love story. The beaches near Alcudia and Can Picafort are well-known for their special evening light. Halfway between the two is the Playa de Muro, where we finished the day off with an exciting ‘trash the dress’ photo shoot. Jens’s effort and love was rewarded with Nicole’s dreamy eyes, a beautiful sunset and fantastic images.

A selection of the images we created on that day can be seen in the gallery.


2 thoughts on “Afterwedding shoot in Majorca”

  1. Thank you very much Francesco 🙂 . It´s great to receive a compliment from an artist like you are. I have visited your website as well and your photos are amazing. Thank you again.

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